The Autism Parenting

The diagnosis of autism is an emotionally moving and life changing event for most parents. It is natural to feel overwhelmed by the news of your child having a neurodevelopmental disorder. At the same time, several interventions, such as art therapy, behavioral psychology and functional therapy exist to help children with autism deal with their challenges and reach crucial developmental milestones.

kids special needs schools

ASD is a ‘syndrome’ and not a disease. A ‘syndrome’ refers to a cluster of known behaviors that differentiate individuals, with or without a given disability. The severity of symptoms varies within a wide range. Thus, there is hope for successful intervention. There are many special needs schools in NYC today catering to the needs of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. But apart from enrolling your child at such a school, you should also understand how to deal with your child’s challenges yourself.

  • Acknowledge your first reaction:Getting disturbed and pessimistic is understandable after receiving the news of your child’s disorder. But you must help yourself adjust to the fact by embracing reality. In fact, in some cases, guilt develops if you do not accept that ‘you did not cause your child’s autism’.
  • Learn as much as you can:Facts replace worry. Keep reading small bits of information about autism. Scientific facts will help you understand your child better. You might find scientific research in conflict with practical strategies. Not only do you need to look at each treatment option, but you also need to calculate how everything will fit together for you and your child. It is important to remember- you are not alone in this.
  • Know your child:

    It is important to observe and learn about your child with special needs-about their emotional behavior, their response to various stimuli, their likes and dislikes and so forth. You can use various non-verbal ways to connect with your child. But always ‘follow the child’s lead‘.
  • Provide comfort:Making daily life at home easier for your kid is like having a personalized autism treatment plan implemented at home. Providing a sense of structure and predictability to your child by creating a consistent environment is the best way to provide your child with a sense of comfort and predictability.
  • Allow them to grow:At times, your child may need to be dependent on you. At other times, you need to let them cope on their own and learn from their challenges. Try to comprehend your child’s emotional signals to assess if they need urgent assistance or may be able to cope on their own.

Working as a counselor at a special needs school in NYC, I have seen parents struggling to raise their autistic kid. But consulting expert professionals for advice, using helpful interventions at home, and making your own observations and reflections upon it will help you sail through the parenting process smoothly and raise a confident and self-reliant child.