Rebecca School: Learning Through Relationships

I have visited many special education schools in New York. I can easily recall all my visits, because they all were quite similar. Noisy hallways, little windows in the classrooms, trainers, therapists interacting with children. But there was one therapeutic school that was different. Beautiful classrooms, hallways decorated with the paintings and drawings of talented students. The play area created and designed to encourage wonder, curiosity, observation, experiments and lots of fun. That school was Rebecca School.

Rebecca School, located at 40 East, 30th street, New York, is a private therapeutic day school for children of ages 4-21 with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disorders. The school utilizes the DIR methodology developed by Dr. Stanley Greenspan, who believes that relationships are the foundation of learning.


Teachers at the Rebecca School were not solitary like I have encountered in many other special education schools. In fact, they were constantly interacting as an ensemble.

The 35,000 square foot facility has five floors and 14 classrooms. Classrooms are carefully organized into different areas including sensory, symbolic and semi-structured. Near each of the classrooms are ‘Quiet Areas’ for use when students feel like they need a calming refuge. This Autism school also has an art studio, three music studios, a library, two sensory gyms and a rooftop playground, among other amenities.

All programs at Rebecca, one of the best schools providing special education programs and services in New York, are adapted to the DIR/ Floortime model developed by Dr. Stanley Greenspan. Their main focus is to enable every child affected with ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders to relate, communicate and think with the help of emotionally meaningful interactions.

Specially designed programs like ‘Thinking Goes to School’ involve various exercises that may help improve the motor, visual-spatial and sequencing skills of the students.

During my many years as an educator in NYC, I have visited various special education programs in New York. I feel that  Rebecca School, which is no doubt one of the best special education schools in New York, is making a difference in the lives of their students and their families lives.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder or ASD affects essential human behaviors such as social interaction, the ability to communicate ideas and feelings, imagination, and the establishment of relationships with others. Autistic disorders have lifelong effects on how children take care of themselves, how they learn to be socially responsible and responsive. This is where special education makes the difference.

The Faculty of Rebecca School works collaboratively with parents to initiate emotionally meaningful interactions with the children. Every child processes information in a unique way. At Rebecca, importance is given to the understanding of relationships that helps in the holistic development of child.