Benefits of the DIR Model Used by Special Education Schools Explained

The DIR model or developmental Individual difference relationship model is one of the best ways to impart learning to autistic children. This model has basically been developed for detailed assessments of autistic kids. Clinicians, parents, doctors and therapists who attend to kids with autism use it.

Developed by Dr. Stanley Greenspan, the DIR model can help children become the best version of themselves by inducing recovery from two major autism related problem: communication and social skills. The D refers to developmental issues addressed by building playtime around the interests of the child. I refer to individualism that comes from deep study of the interest of the child based on activities that they like and can do for a long span of time. And R refers to developing a relationship on the basis of the study done with the child.

Floortime Therapy

These floor time sessions basically provide many benefits to the autistic child as well as their parents. Some of these are stated as under: –

  • With constant interactions and smooth flowing sessions with the therapist the child develops certain social skills and the ability to interact with a group without being greatly disturbed or uncomfortable in larger groups.
  • These sessions are developed keeping in mind the likes and dislikes of the child that have been studies over a period of time. Hence, the learning sessions are based on the likes of the child to make it interesting and lasting impact on their mind.
  • These sessions are developed to build the gap between the child and parents that is developed because of autism issues. The time that you spend as a parent with your child in these sessions help you learn the ways and means to make them calmer and keep them occupied in a constructive manner.
  • Learning becomes easy with these methods. Even a child without any special abilities learns better when things of his/her interest are involved in the method of learning. Similarly, when an autistic child already has a bent of positive mind towards a certain activity or a thing then involving the same in the learning process makes their concentration level higher and learning is well etched in their minds.