Here Is Exactly What Special Education Schools Do For Kids In NYC

If you have discovered recently that your child needs special education then chances are you have heard that he/she will have to go to a school that has SEIT or special education iterant teachers. They are qualified to take care of your child in every aspect of the word and can provide the building blocks for your child to be self-dependent and self-sufficient in the future.

But before you leap onto an opportunity of getting your child into a special education school in NYC, it is imperative to know the works of teachers over there and how exactly will they end up helping your child. Some of the details about these teachers have been mentioned hereby.


The basic idea behind hiring these teachers is to enable the specially abled kids to perform alongside the other lot in the long run. They are certified in this kind of task. The teachers primarily hold a bachelors degree and are supposed to have a state license in special education to give developmental skills to children. The course enables them to know the basic of handling specially abled kids and then they can specialize further in an area of their interest with more certified programs run by the state.

The special education schools work with kids who have speech delays and motor disabilities. The teachers have two primary functions to perform in such cases:

  • To assist the students in keeping up with the happenings of the classroom and making them learn in their way of interest.
  • To provide assistance in developing a schedule that works best for small groups who have similar abilities to grasp the learning in the class.

The teachers also develop an IEP or an Individualized education plan that takes into consideration the interest of these kids and thereafter formulate learning around their interests so as to expand their horizon and make learning an easy task to accomplish on daily basis. The teachers also assist the therapist in the upkeep of sessions for speech and other therapy that are helpful in boosting the confidence of kids and get their comfort zones to expand over a period of time.