This Incident Led Me to Become a Teacher at Special Needs School in New York

Since my teenage days, when I was big enough to understand the nuances of things around me, I wanted to contribute to the society in some way or the other. I thought myself to be privileged to have got everything that one would need to live a normal life. My parents taught me to be thankful for what I had and spread happiness through good deeds.

While completing my graduation, I still was not sure about the line of profession to choose. I had many interests, but none led to the fulfillment of the goal I wanted to achieve as a person. I felt so lost and a little annoyed with myself.


So, I called a few of my friends and we went out for coffee so that I could take my mind off it.

While we were at the café, my eyes wandered off across the street where I spotted a school for special children.

The school was over for the day and there were kids walking towards their parents looking happy as ever.

Their happiness was an obvious indication of the fact that these kids had a good time at school with their teachers and friends.

It was a definitive sign for me.

I went back home and searched online for the requirements of being a teacher at the special needs school in New York.

I stumbled across a website of this organization that gave training to aspiring teachers who want to work at a special needs school in NYC.

Teaching in a school for children with special needs would give me an opportunity to combine my avocation and vocation.

I instantly took down the number from their website and gave them a call to get the details of the program I wanted to pursue.

That day, the spark in the eyes of those kids made me pursue what I call my dream job today.